Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Waxing Vs. Veet Hair Removal?

So this post will definitely get into kind of the nitty gritty of hair removal, but anyways with all of that aside here goes with the actual review.  I recently was introduced into waxing about three months ago and the first time I went I thought it was the best alternative to shaving, seriously when people say that once you start to wax you cant go back, well what they say is true.  For my first time I went to a higher end waxing salon called European Wax Center and they do practically everything, my experience was very pleasing, they are extremely clean and it was just an all around very trustworthy place.  But the major downside was paying 50 dollars for a brazilian every four weeks when I don't have a job and money is tight with going to school, so I had to find an alternative so sustain me. After waxing, shaving never really seems like and option anymore just because shaving can cause a lot of razor burns and hair grows back even thicker so that just wasn't an option.

After doing some research, I found this product Veet! Initially I was looking into the Hair removal Cream Nair, but after seeing so many reviews on how badly burned and irritated their skin was I decided to pass and look more into Veet.   Veet is also a Cream Hair Removal System and it comes in creams, sprays, and a self waxing kit.  The creams come in regular, dry skin and sensitive skin; I chose to pick up sensitive thinking that it would be a lot less harsh on my skin.

So onto the Product Review, for the most part this is a really good product, it does the exact same work as shaving except without all the nasty razor bumps. I doesn't "take out" all the hair like waxing would because its not getting down into the root of the hair follicle but it is still a great alternative for a lower budget, its costs around $10.95 for a 13.5 OZ which is a pretty big bottle.  Veet can be used on the Legs, Underarms, and Bikini Line. Overall its a pretty good product, it gave me no irritation but to be completely honest, if I could constantly afford it, I would continue waxing, it really is the most amazing thing but so far this is a great alternative and it will sustain me until I get a job!

p.s. if you are going to wax, make sure you go to a place that does hard wax and do not use strips because strips can rip your skin off along with your hair making waxing a really bad experience and hard wax only attaches to the hair follicles so do research before getting anything done!


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